
Refresher Dive

Refresher Dive

If you already have your diving certification but have not dived in a while, then you can join us on scuba refresher with one of our instructors.
The criteria for this course are: if you have not dived for over a year, but less than 10 years.
If it has been closer to 10 years since your last dive then we recommend you join us as a ‘discover scuba diver’ or on an open water course. Not diving for a long period of time means we will have much more to recap with you and this cannot be done in the time for a refresher dive.
If you are an experienced diver and it has been over 1 year then please get in touch with us as you may not require a refresher course.

About this course:

We will take you into the pool and cover equipment set up (we require all divers to know how to set up and change their own equipment on our dive boat), buddy checks, buoyancy skills (this is usually the skill most people need to practice), safety skills, buddy skills and general skills for your own comfort in the water such as mask clearing.

Once we have practised these skill you will feel better prepared for your dive tour with us, more relaxed in the water, and will also get more enjoyment out of your dives.

Please read through the medical form to ensure you are safe for diving.  Refresher dives and Discover Scuba Dives must read this before booking any diving activities.  If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions then it may prevent you from diving and you must inform us prior to booking. We want to make sure you stay safe on your dives with us!  Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Scuba Refresher


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